Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, filled with excitement, curiosity, and sometimes uncertainty. Understanding the week-by-week pregnancy guide can help you feel more connected to your baby and ease any worries. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the symptoms you might experience and how your baby is developing during each stage of pregnancy. Whether you’re in the first trimester or nearing your due date, this week-by-week pregnancy guide will keep you informed and prepared

First Trimester (Weeks 1–13)
Week 1–4: The Beginning
- Symptoms: At this stage, you might not even know you’re pregnant! Early signs can include fatigue, breast tenderness, and light spotting (implantation bleeding).
- Baby Development: The fertilized egg becomes a blastocyst and implants into the uterine lining. By week 4, the embryo is the size of a poppy seed.
Week 5–8: Major Developments Begin
- Symptoms: Morning sickness, heightened sense of smell, and mood swings are common during these weeks.
- Baby Development: The baby’s heart starts beating, and major organs like the brain and spinal cord begin forming. By week 8, your baby is the size of a raspberry.
Week 9–13: Gaining Momentum
- Symptoms: Fatigue may continue, but some women start to feel more energetic. Bloating and food aversions are also common.
- Baby Development: The baby’s facial features become more defined. By week 13, your baby is about the size of a peach and can even make tiny movements.
Second Trimester (Weeks 14–27)
Week 14–20: The “Golden Period”
- Symptoms: Energy levels often increase, and morning sickness usually subsides. You may notice your baby bump starting to show.
- Baby Development: The baby’s bones are hardening, and they start developing unique fingerprints. By week 20, your baby is the size of a banana.
Week 21–27: Growth and Senses
- Symptoms: You may experience backaches, leg cramps, and heartburn. Feeling your baby’s first kicks (quickening) is an exciting milestone.
- Baby Development: The baby’s hearing improves, and they start responding to sounds. By week 27, they are about the size of a cauliflower.

Third Trimester (Weeks 28–40)
Week 28–34: Preparing for Birth
- Symptoms: Shortness of breath, swelling in your feet and hands, and difficulty sleeping are common.
- Baby Development: The baby’s brain and lungs continue maturing, and they begin storing fat. By week 34, they are about the size of a cantaloupe.
Week 35–40: The Final Stretch
- Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, increased pelvic pressure, and nesting instincts may occur.
- Baby Development: The baby’s organs are fully developed, and they are gaining weight rapidly. By week 40, your baby is ready to meet the world!
Every pregnancy journey is unique, but knowing what to expect can make it more enjoyable and less stressful. By understanding the pregnancy stages week by week, you’ll feel more prepared and connected to your growing baby. Remember to consult your healthcare provider with any concerns or questions along the way. Congratulations on this incredible adventure into parenthood!